(Click on flyer above to see list of schools attending Pasadena Preschool Fair)
Instead of tests, rigorous dissertation-style final exams are used as assessments at one school in the Bay Area. The Pursuit of Deeper Learning. (The Atlantic)
The GOP staffer who resigned after cruelly insulting the Obama daughters still has one important thing left to do. I’m still seething about this distressing episode. My piece this week in mom.me
A dad talks about his decision to choose the local “underprivileged” school in San Diego and make it his family’s community. (NYT Motherlode)
Getting into some public schools can be extremely competitive. The cutthroat world of elite public schools. (The Atlantic)
Finally, the chokehold death of Eric Garner in New York, the Grand Jury verdict last week, the ongoing protests and political commentary have all been topics of discussion in our house with our kids. It is heartbreaking.

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