Our family spent 10 days in London and Paris in early August. This was the first time the kids and I had been to Europe. My anxiety about traveling and my ability to become extremely homesick almost immediately (ugh!) kept me from taking such a big, expensive trip. But, I finally got it together to do this. My kids are old enough (12 and 15) to truly appreciate the museums, restaurants and other historic places and Barry has been to both cities many times so he was an amazing tour guide. My daughter is learning French and it was fun to see her pick up a few new phrases. Of course, I’m glad we went and I’m grateful for the chance to visit two stunning cities with my family.
Have a great weekend! –Christina
Here are a few links from around the web:
Here’s a great primer on what to do when you have teacher troubles (Parenting)
Look at these flexible classrooms..a great idea, especially for kids who like to move around. (Edutopia)
These parenting incidents will make you smile or LOL! No judgement, of course. (BuzzFeed)
I’m a HUGE believer in the role of schools in teaching kindness to reduce bullying, especially if it is not being taught at home (Edutopia)
We’re getting ready for school to start in a few weeks. My kids will be starting 6th and 9th grades and with that will come transitions to new buildings, schedules and teachers. This piece really captures the essence of new routines and schedules that must be adjusted to. I’ve started leaving notes for my kids asking them to do specific chores and there’s something about a note from mom that makes sure the work gets done. And, they like writing me a note back telling me they did it! (NYT Motherlode)
A friend sent me this article, “Mean Moms: Meet The Newest Bully On The Block?” and sadly, even though its from 2011, the story is still relevant in 2015 (PopSugar)
In case you missed these from Beyond The Brochure’s Facebook Page:
Neighbors dislike private school construction and expansion around Los Angeles. (LA Times)
I’ve definitely been guilty of one or two of these things! Types of Parents Teachers Hate (Parenting)
Here’s a piece I wrote about how we became a 2 pit bull family. (Mom.me)