Recently, we’ve received several reader emails asking what they should wear to parent coffees and other private school admissions events. A few moms said they were very nervous about what to wear (in addition to being anxious about the events!). I was also stressed about what I should wear for our daughter’s kindergarten admissions events so I know the feeling!
Here are a few tips:
- Wear an outfit that makes you feel confident and comfortable
- Avoid flip flops, sweatpants and very casual yoga wear
- Don’t wear anything too low cut or too tight
- If you could wear it to a night club, it probably isn’t right for these events
- Your outfit doesn’t have to be expensive and you shouldn’t feel compelled to buy anything new if your current wardrobe will suffice. But, if it makes you feel good, purchase something new to update an outfit!
I’m no fashion expert (or fashionista) by any means, but I have learned a few things after going through the admissions process twice. You will see every type of outfit imaginable at these events, from head to toe Chanel to grunge rocker. When I attended admissions events, I usually chose a blazer, trench coat or casual jacket, black or dark wash jeans and silk tops, with accessories, for my events. The look that’s best for me is effort at “Mom On The Go”. I’m tall (5’10) so I usually wear flats. See photos below for what I’d wear!

Love the way the blogger/writer and the fashionista so cleverly come together. Brava!
Enjoyed this! We all need reminders on what ‘works’ for presenting ourselves to our kids’ administrators, teachers and counselors. Your style is youthful and professional. btw, can I borrow that trench coat!?
Really nice outfits! What to wear is the ONLY THING that I havent worried about because every meeting or event that I have gone to at the school that I am applying to, I was either on my to or coming from work so I have always been in full business atire. Dark slacks, blouse, heels (Im super short), blazer and accessories. I even went to a recent basketball game dressed like this (a little over-dressed I know) but hey the game started at 7pm and I leave work at 6.. No time to change….
Thanks for the comment! One less thing to worry about is always good! I’m sure you’ve looked great!
Um, HELLO, you look FABULOUS. You accessorize so well, and I’m really digging the purple skinny jeans.
When going to look at highschools, I once made a huge faux pas by wearing my workout clothes to a coffee, because I was headed to the gym afterwards. I felt extremely underdressed next to all the Chanel jackets and suits. But I realized that school was not going to fit our family. My daughter was accepted with a great scholarship but definitely not because of any impression I made thank goodness.
Fun post Christina! And great outfits- you look fantastic! It’s always interesting to check out the trends on the moms, and the dads too. 😉