Auctions and galas are a big deal at private schools. The items up for bid tend to fall into similar categories: vacation getaways, tickets for sporting or entertainment, fun stuff for kids and more. But, within those categories progressive schools offer some very different items than those at traditional schools. Take a look…and glimpse inside the school’s culture as highlighted at school auctions.
Here are 3 auction items from Sequoyah School in Pasadena, a progressive school with parents who’d love the hippest items in town!

Progressive Oakwood School’s dad Steve Carrell hosts a tequila party!

The Center For Early Education is a progressive school, known for parents like Beyonce. So, it’s no surprise that it’s gala features items that might seem more luxe than hipster.

Brentwood School’s pure elegance!

Harvard-Westlake School doesn’t host a gala or auction event, but it’s Party Book is something to celebrate along with celebrity dad Will Farrell.

Viewpoint School invites you to take a luxury vacation in Park City!

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