Determined To Succeed Presents:
Admissions into PRIVATE Elementary Schools:
What You Need to Know
Tuesday, MAY 25th, 2010
7:30 – 9:00 P.M.
Presented by:
An Esteemed Panel of Admissions Directors
Get insight and advice directly from Admissions Directors to help you calmly navigate your way through the process.
Admissions Directors:
The Willows School-Kim Feldman (Moderator)
Brentwood School-Mary Beth Barry
The Center For Early Education-Deedie Hudnut
Laurence School-Laurie Wolke
Temple Israel of Hollywood-Glenda Saul
The Buckley School-Carinne Barker
Preparing for the Process (i.e., how to find out what a school is really about, the need to tutor or not, whether there is a “feeder” or “right” preschool, the best way to prepare for the interview, whether or not to hold back a child);
During the Process (i.e., the extent of follow up, whether to state a first choice, whether board member assistance or letters of recommendation are essential, whether it is acceptable to apply to both traditional and developmental schools); and
After Letters Are Sent (i.e., how a wait list works, what to do or not if on one, process of learning about a decision, what options remain if not accepted).
Luxe Hotel, Brentwood
(Located at 11461 Sunset Blvd, near 405 freeway)
RESERVATIONS REQUIRED – Please reserve early; space is limited.
$40 per person person; $75 per couple
To reserve a spot, register online at:
Lecture Chair/Founder: Stacy Marks; Lecture Vice-Chair: Melody Smolkin; Committee Chairs: Carla Liber and Andrea Guth
Determined to Succeed Founders: Sara Hahn and Hank Azaria, Board Member: Mary Beth Barry
All Proceeds Donated To: Determined To Succeed
Determined to Succeed is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing an exceptional group of lower socio-economic children with comprehensive year-round support. Students are guided from the critical middle school years through high school and the college acceptance process. The program tutors and mentors these students, empowering them with more confidence, stronger self-esteem, and a better education.
I attended the DTS Middle Schools event last Thursday evening. It was incredibly informative and if you’re planning to apply to private elementary schools, don’t miss this event!