After 8 years of private school annual giving and working on annual fund campaigns, my family has learned a lot about this topic. At our first school (Willows), we weren’t asked for a specific amount our first year. At our current school (Viewpoint), we were asked for a specific amount, which we happily donated. At both my kids’ schools, we’ve given generously but within the confines of our family budget. Our annual giving has increased each year, with the exception of one year at our previous school.
Here’s an infographic to break down everything you need to know about annual giving at private schools. How much will the school ask you for your first year at the school? What are the giving levels? Get the insider’s scoop below!
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Wow! That’s a huge chunk! Excellent explanation and great infographic to explain what amount to take into account when calculating the cost of private school education.
The range of options is helpful to know. I appreciate your blog and the topics you cover in depth. We will be applying this year, hopeful but stressed.