This fall feels so relaxing compared to last fall when I was a basket case trying to find the best school for my son who started kindergarten this year. And I’m not joking around….that experience will be one I’ll never forget. Looking back now I can honestly say that I enjoyed it. Believe it or not I take pleasure in researching, writing letters, interviewing, writing thank you notes and even worrying. My mother gave me the gift of the last trait.
Seriously, I could not have managed without the book “Beyond the Brochure.” I remember exactly when I heard about the book. It was a Saturday afternoon at 5:30 p.m. and the only store where I could find it was Chevalier’s Bookstore in Larchmont Village. Of course, I could have ordered it on Amazon, but I was not about to wait 5 days to get it! Nope! I had to rush from the valley to this bookstore in Hancock Park before they closed at 6 p.m. I came right home, read it all in one sitting and felt this incredible excitement. Now, I had the inside scoop. I knew I could do this. I followed the book to a tee and used every one of the authors’ suggestions. I toured about 7 schools, submitted applications to our top choices, got my son’s teachers to send evaluations, secured letters of recommendation, interviewed at our top 3 schools, prepared my son for his assessments (which meant actually not preparing him), sent thank you notes, and finally, sent one last letter to our top choice before the acceptance letters came out. Now I was done and the hardest part began. I had to sit back and wait for the letters to arrive in the mailbox.
My son was accepted to 2 out of the 3 schools to which we applied.
It really is not as simple as it sounds in my story. On top of all the things I previously mentioned, you need to be honest, show your true personality in both your writing and in person, be prepared to share how your family is special and….. pray. Knowing the inside scoop that the authors of “Beyond the Brochure” tell you will not only put you on the right track, but will also giveg you the confidence to get it done.Good luck to all you lovely moms out there who are so committed to your children. They are lucky to have you. Enjoy the ride.
Lorena is a working actor who has appeared on 2 dozen commercials and various network shows. She has a kindergartner at Laurel Hall School and a 2 year-old at Laurel Hall ECC.
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What a fabulous piece! You sum up the process beautifully. Of course, it is MUCH easier said than done. I am so glad you found the book to be helpful. I hope many others do as well. Please pass the word.
And by the way, you deserve to be relaxed this year – job well done!
A good news story. Congrats!
I hope to be feeling as good as you by September of this year, but right now it's crazy, all consuming, a bit exhausting, exhilirating, confusing, exciting, and nerve-wracking!! One moment I am Zen, the other I am a stress bucket. Thanks for the post, and hoping for good news… waiting for the day I can reflect back as well. Congrats and hope you are enjoying the school where you ended up!
Hi Anon 3:00. I lurched from Zen moments to moments of panic. Completely crazy-making, I know. Stay sane and we are all wishing you the best of luck! Christina