On My Way To School, is a new kid’s book by Sarah Maizes, my amazing friend, writer, mom of three and parenting humorist. The third in a series, On My Way To School is inspired by Sarah’s daughter Livi, who is the book’s central character. As you can imagine, Livi is just as adorable in real-life as she is in the book.
As every parent knows, getting kids ready for school can be a struggle on even the best mornings. Add in a few mishaps and the word “routine” goes out the window. On My Way To School takes its readers on a fun-filled journey, as Livi makes her way to school–very, very s-l-o-w-l-y. Livi procrastinates and lets her imagination take over, creating silly characters and lots of reasons why she just can’t go to school. From becoming a slimy snail to cooking an elaborate breakfast and then strutting into school as a movie star waiving to her fans, it’s a miracle Livi finally arrives at school. Sarah Maizes has written a warm, witty book that will have your kids listening (or reading) closely and possibly even mimicking some of Livi’s hilarious morning activities. Your kids will ADORE this book!
“Livi’s vibrant imagination and abundant energy leap off the pages.” —Publishers Weekly
Colorfully illustrated by Michael Paraskevas, this book is for ages 1-5. Published by Bloomsbury.
SARAH MAIZES is a parenting humorist, freelance writer and the author of On My Way to the Bath—a Children’s Book Council “Best Picture Book of 2012,” and On My Way to Bed—a New York Times “Bookshelf” pick. She is a regular contributor to TODAY.com and HuffingtonPost.com and has appeared on theTODAY Show, CNN, and more. www.SarahMaizes.com or www.amazon.com

Upcoming event: Sarah will be reading and signing copies of On My Way To School at Children’s Book World in West L.A.! Saturday, August 16th, at 10:30 a.m. Don’t miss it!
Book it: Schedule Sarah for a reading at your kid’s elementary school! She’s been a featured book fair author at my kids’ former and current schools. www.sarahmaizes.com
This post was not sponsored or compensated. I received a review copy of the book.