The L.A. private school admissions process is gearing up, with tours and applications on calendars. So, I thought it might be fun to answer a reader question and some “must-read” links from around the web.
But, first things first. You’ve heard Anne and me say it before, but it bears repeating: tour a lot of schools. You really can’t get a sense of the school unless you go on the tour. If there are two parents, you don’t both have to tour the first time. Just go! You’ll leave the tour knowing a lot more about the school and you’ll inevitably develop a stronger sense of what you want–or don’t want– in a school. There’s value in tours!

Reader question: Can I send a family selfie as the photo for our application?
Answer: In the age of selfies, it makes sense that some families will want to use a selfie as their family photo (required for applications). I think that if the photo captures the essence of your family, you should consider using it. But, I also think that the family photo is one more small piece that tells the school who you are. Selfies are casual, fun, spontaneous. So, if the school where you’re applying has a vibe that seems like a selfie will fit with their image of the families at their school, then use it. But, for traditional schools, I’d send a more traditional photo. Look at the school’s website and Facebook Page and see what kind of photos they post. Since we applied for Kindergarten in 2005-06, selfies weren’t around. I used a photo of our family sitting on the steps of Barry’s college. It was casual, but the message was clear: we are a family who values college. Every photo tells a story. What’s your family story?
Links from around the web:
I shared these on Beyond The Brochure’s Facebook Page but definitely worth a read if you missed them:
There’s a new nature-based preschool opening in Santa Monica in 2017. www.meadowpreschool.com
A genius new app for kids. A very brave and talented teenage girl was bullied at an elite, all-girls L.A. private school. Before she changed schools, she ended up in the hospital. I’ve met Natalie and her I know her lovely mom, Carolyn. I didn’t know the full extent of her story until Natalie did something incredible. She created an app to help kids who are being bullied (or just feeling alone) find someplace to sit at lunch. Read about SitWithUs in UsWeekly. Get it free on iTunes. It’s gone viral and Natalie has been on NPR, local news and she’s just getting started! Nice girls rule!
After Jerry Seinfeld’s son was rejected from a “blue-chip” NYC preschool, his wife Jessica wrote this piece for Town & Country. A must-read if you’re just starting the admissions process. She has great advice and words of wisdom!
Old but good: round-up with top admissions directors about what they look for in applicants. LA Mom Magazine