My Girl!
Your child got into one of more school. Great news! But, choosing a school is much more difficult than you imagined. Why?
Rumors abound. School X is very academic. School Y is for kids who aren’t very academic. School Z has too many celebrity families. And so on and on and on…
If your head is spinning trying to decide where to send your child, here are a few things I’ve learned about our school, The Willows, after almost 5 years as a parent there:
- The Willows is more academic than I thought it would be
- The Willows has more of an emphasis on sports that I envisioned
- The Willows’ curriculum is integrated and amazing
- The technology resources at The Willows are cutting-edge
- The Willows is great for both my kids (who are very different)
- The Willows has a some great families we’ve become friends with (I didn’t expect this)
- The Willows has inspired my kids to love learning, even if they don’t always love every subject (like drama)
- The Willows is small enough so that the head of school, Lisa Rosenstein, knows every child and every family
- The Willows’ teachers are fabulous (patient, enthusiastic, nurturing and inspiring). There are two teachers per class.
- The Willows does not emphasize standardized testing i.e. ERB or ISEE
- The Willows’ practice of looping (keeping the same class and teachers for 2 years) worked extremely well for both my kids
- The Willows has bullies just like every other school. It’s how the school deals with them that matters and The Willows teachers are adept at handling this issue.
- The Willows’ curriculum is smart and well thought-out ( I am constantly amazed!)
Does what I’ve said mean that everything is always perfect? No. And it won’t be wherever you send your child. There can definitely be rough patches. After all, your child is involved. But, you know your child and let that be your guide when choosing a school.
We cover the different types of school (traditional, developmental, etc.) and what to look for when choosing a school in our book.