My son came home recently and announced he wanted to get rid of all his “participation” trophies. Those are the trophies he got for being on a team, whether or not they won, whether or not they played well, whether or not everyone showed up. From the moment he hit the field in his first T-Ball game, he hasn’t stopped playing. His love of sports is part of who he his. But, after about six years of trophies that collected on his shelf he wanted to clear the space for the trophies his teams won. He got a trash bag, gathered them up and dumped them.

Now, at almost 11, my son understands what it takes to win a soccer or basketball championship. It doesn’t come easy, but when it happens its a big deal. So, the trophies he kept are from his team’s championships. It’s a smaller bunch, but one that has immense meaning to him.

Standing next to Coach Freddy (Pacific Elite Basketball), my son knows how hard the team worked to win the championship.