Coding (computer programming) is a super-trendy new activity for kids at both private and public schools. But what if your kid would rather play computer games than code them? NYT Motherlode
How Not To Suck AT Recruiting and Retaining School Volunteers. This is a very funny memo to moms (the OCD-type PTA moms!). The PTA isn’t a sorority mixer or a country club with membership based on income or the car you drive, says Snarky In The Suburbs. That’s right, it isn’t–or shouldn’t be!
Mom 101 nailed it. Parents: You’re Doing It All Wrong. A must-read because…
“You, who fed your babies formula for any reason at all (unbearable pain, postpartum depression, cultural pressure, adoption), I hope you know your child is at a greater risk for obesity and a career as a gas station attendant.”
“You, who nursed your children just as long as they needed to, even at night at five-years-old (just sometimes) to help them sleep, you know your child is going to have total Oedipal issues for life. Have fun being his date to the prom.”–Mom 101
Oh, this is a good one. Parents At The Beginning of The School Year vs. The End of The Year BuzzFeed)
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