Checklist Mommy plays hooky from major PTA volunteer jobs at Temple Israel of Hollywood. (Checklist Mommy)
To Redshirt Or Not For Kindergarten? (Abcnews.com)
What if your kid doesn’t like soccer or baseball? Here’s a wonderful piece by Betsy Brown Braun about really getting to know your kid. In her piece, a 5th grader defied the sports trend and plays the bagpipes! (Betsy Brown Braun)
Here’s a really good overview of popular social media sites for kids. I’m a big user of social media…Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, You Tube, Vine…but, I don’t think anything good can come from kids asking anonymous questions on some of these sites. (What Is Privacy)
I adore this kid’s book by Garcelle Beauvais. Here’s my review of I Am Mixed (Momangeles)
Private kindergartens are cropping up in China–and, the competition for students is turning deadly. (L.A. Times)
Check out this amazing piece on bizarre buildings your kids will love to see, like The Dog House, The Happy House and one with gigantic bright green octopus tentacles coming out of it. (Timbuktu)
(Top photo credit: www.theprivateschoollady.com)
Have a great weekend! -Christina