The importance of sending a thank you card to admissions directors shouldn’t be underestimated. If you’re anything like I was when we were applying to private elementary schools, the remaining aspects of the school application process during the last two weeks are never far from your mind. That brings me to the what I’m calling the “heartfelt note”.
I was on the phone late one night in February 2006 with a Willows School mom (a friend of a friend) during our application for kindergarten for my daughter. She was planning to write us a letter of recommendation for the school. I was telling her that if we were accepted, we’d definitely accept the Willows’ offer of admission. I told her how much we loved the school and how it would be an amazing school for my daughter. Being a very savvy TV/Film agent, she said “you need to write a heartfelt note to the admissions director telling her everything you just told me.” “Don’t hold back,” she said. “Really express your thoughts and tell her how much this means to your family. That’s what I did,” she told me.
Following her advice, I did exactly that. I got out a note card, had a glass (or two) of wine and wrote a personal note to Kim Feldman, The Willows School admissions director. I’ll never really know what (if any) impact it had on the school’s decision to accept my daughter. Still, I like to feel that I did everything possible to get my kids into a great private elementary school.
The heartfelt note is just one more example of “insider” advice that I would not have come up with on my own. I’m grateful to the mom who gave me the idea for sharing her experience and suggestions. Now, I’m sharing her (and my) advice with you.