More Admissions Notes

  • Correction: We stated that Wildwood planned to discontinue the K-2 pods. We were incorrect. Here’s the correct information from Jennifer Rowland (see comments).Wildwood School has not discontinued the Pods, but has restructured them so that they combine kindergartners and 1st graders. Second grade will now be a stand-alone grade. 


  • At the Determined To Succeed Middle School Panel Discussion, one of the admissions directors said that applications that are received early in the process tend to be read more carefully. The reason, she said, is that applications which arrive close to the application deadline are sometimes read during the admissions committee meetings (not before). These meetings can be very long with a lot happening. Schools are much more rushed and busy once application deadlines close. This same information is true for elementary schools. So, if possible, get your applications in early!
  • You’ve selected the school your child will attend in the fall. Now what? In the next few days, we’ll be posting some ideas to help your you and your child transition to your new school.
  • We are hearing from friends, readers and admissions directors about families who have a child at a very progressive preschool and apply to traditional elementary schools, without explaining the shift. They end up wait-listed or declined admission. It can be a red flag for schools and they may think the child won’t be prepared for their school and/or the parents won’t be happy there. If you have an obvious change in educational philosophy, explain it in your parent interview and your written application. Schools want families who will understand and agree with their educational approach. But, they also understand that a preschool philosophy you selected for your 3 year old may not be want you want for your elementary school. Let them know this information.
  • If you go into the parent interview with a list of “tough questions” for the admissions director (yes, it happens), all we can say is “good luck”. Challenging the admissions director about the school won’t win you any points. In fact, we know it could quickly land your application in the “no” pile. Ask questions, by all means. Just make sure they are questions that will help your child’s application, not hurt it. Think about instances when you’ve interviewed candidates for a job. The same rules apply here.