Viola Davis (The Help) is one of my favorite actresses. Her personal story is both heartbreaking and inspiring. She grew up in extreme poverty, eating out of trash cans, hungry all the time. She put aside the shame associated with growing up poor to join with HungerIs.Org, a partnership between The Safeway Foundation and The Entertainment Industry Foundation, to prevent childhood hunger.Meeting Viola Davis. Yes, I was nervous! With my friend Candi Schreuders. Her inspiration is contagious–my family made a small donation to HungerIs –contribution levels start at $10. Every dollar counts.With some of my favorite writers/social media ladies, Sarah Maizes and Ashley Faucet at the event. This is social media at its best, truly.Super women! Melissa Musen Gerstein and Denise Albert (The MOMS) with Viola Davis. The MOMS hosted a lovely, intimate event at the Hotel Sofitel’s Rivera 31. #HungerIsMamarazzi. Photo: The Moms
We know that Beyond The Brochure readers are caring, compassionate moms and dads. Please take a minute to visit to see how you can help. Every dollar counts. Every voice helps. Thank you–Christina
Viewpoint Art: The kids painted pictures that were used to create sets of beautiful notecards. Of course, my heart melted when I saw my son’s notecard (pictured above).
My kids just completed their first year at Viewpoint School. And what a year it has been!
Both my kids started the school yearexcited but slightly apprehensive about a new school. They’ve finished this year happy, tired, confident, dazzled and inspired. They will be both be spending time at the school this summer. My son will be at basketball camp and my daughter will be a Counselor In Training at Viewpoint’s Roadrunner camp.
My son performing at the 4th grade California Fiesta Assembly…part of the study of California history.
Viewpoint School welcomed our family in a way words cannot explain. The warmth, kindness and sense of community is real. It is a school where much is expected of the kids and much is given back to them. It is traditional, rigorous and competitive academically. The dress code is enforced. Good behavior is expected. Achievement to one’s fullest potential is encouraged and expected. Along with those qualities, there is an ever-present nurturing quality about Viewpoint that my kids intuitively appreciate.
A happy Viewpoint mom!
Most of all, we are grateful for the kindest, most genuine welcome our family could have imagined.We have been embraced by the headmaster, the admissions director, the teachers and administrators. And the other parents too. This made our first year at the school a huge success. We look forward to many more years there. It’s a good feeling.
Thank you, Viewpoint School. Thank you.
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